Travel Grants

Travel Grants Submission Closed









With the sponsorship of various funding agencies such as the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) India Council, a limited number of student travel grants are available to assist deserving students from USA and India in attending the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2023) at Bangalore, India. These will partially cover the registration, boarding, and/or lodging costs for the selected awardees.

Priority will be given to those having an accepted paper or poster in the conference, workshops or ICFEC, and to enhance the diversity of participants. Students and early career researchers are strongly encouraged to submit a poster to the Early Career and Students’ Showcase to qualify to apply for these grants.


If you are interested in applying for a CCGrid 2023 travel grant, please read the requirements and instructions below and submit this travel grant application form:

Each applicant must submit relevant information such as their current country and place of residence and study, academic qualifications, current academic program and stage of study, and any underrepresented group status (optional and provided voluntarily), along with a statement of interest (100 to 500 words). In the statement, you are expected to describe:

  • Your motivation for attending the CCGrid 2023 conference and how it will benefit you;
  • How your participation at CCGrid adds value to the conference and benefits the attendees in general; and
  • The type and level of travel support requested, including the monetary amount (in INR or USD).

Note that our funding sources limit travel grants to only students studying at a university in India, or students/early career researchers from USA.

All deadlines are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE), UTC-12 timezone.

  • Travel Grant Form Opens: Feb 12, 2023
  • Submission deadline for Travel Grant Form: Feb 22, 2023 Mar 1, 2023 (Closed)
  • Award Notification selection for India-based Students: Feb 25, 2023 Mar 5, 2023
  • Award Notification selection for US-based Students: TBD
  • Early Registration deadline for India-based Travel Grant Awardees: See Registration page

Travel grant applicants must satisfy one of these pre-requisites:

  • Currently be enrolled as a fulltime student in a degree program (Bachelors, Masters or PhD) an academic institution based in India.
  • Currently be enrolled as a fulltime student in a Doctoral or Masters’ degree program at an academic institution based in the USA, or a postdoctoral researcher or early career researcher at an institution based in the USA having secured a Masters’ or Doctoral degree within the last 5 years.


Travel grantees are expected to actively participate in the conference. The rules for awarding and disbursing the grant are dependent on the funding bodies in India and the USA. As per the rules, the awardee must attend all sessions of the conference throughout its entire duration of 4 days. Awardees must check in at the registration desk on each day of the conference.

The awardees will also be required to volunteer at the conference as per instructions issued at a later date. Student volunteers are expected to perform a wide range of tasks for the Conference such as providing support to presenters, working at the Information Booths, and staffing conference activities. Student volunteers can expect to work about 10-15 hours in total during the conference, allowing plenty of time to engage in important educational and career-advancing activities such as tutorials, technical talks, panels, poster sessions, and workshops.

Travel grant awardees must also participate in the mentorship sessions that will be organized on most days of the conference.

After the conference is completed, all awardees are required to submit a 1-page summary report about the conference attendance experience within one week of the conference end date.

We can retract travel funding if recipients do not adhere to the expectations and rules of the award.

Notification and Planning

The travel grants committee will review the applications for travel funding and inform the successful applicants by the deadlines listed above. Travel grantees will need to book their travel arrangements themselves . Awardees from India must also register for the conference by the Early Registration deadline.

More details will be provided as part of the award letter sent to successful applicants.

Grant Disbursement

The awardee will be partially reimbursed for a part of their travel, registration, and/or accommodation as per the guidelines below, upon producing suitable bills for the same. The reimbursement will be processed after your conference summary report is received.

For India-based travel grant awardees:

  • You must register for the conference by the early registration deadline of Feb 28, 2023.
  • If you are from outside Bangalore, you will be provided with accommodation at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore between Apr 30 to May 4. You will also be provided shuttle buses between IISc and the conference venue.
  • Your travel costs of up to Rs.5000 will be reimbursed upon production of receipts.
  • If are an author of a paper, we may offer a reduced registration fee instead of the full author registration fee.
  • You must meet the Expectations from the conference for the reimbursement to be provided.

For US based travel grant awardees, details will be posted at a later time after the award notification.

Travel Grant Sponsorship


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Authors and participants are encouraged to read the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the ACM Policy Against Harassment, and IEEE Computer Society's expectation of professional behavior found in the IEEE Computer Society Open Conference Statement, the IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement, and the IEEE Code of Ethics.