Call for Workshop Proposals









The International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID) invites proposals for workshops to be co-located with CCGrid 2023. Workshops provide a forum for discussion among researchers and practitioners on focused topics or emerging research areas relevant to the CCGRID community. Organizers may structure workshops as they see fit, including invited talks, panel discussions, presentations of work in progress, peer-reviewed short/full papers, or a combination of the above.

Workshops are typically held on the first day of the conference (May 1) in parallel tracks, and are recommended to be scheduled for half a day (~3 hours of technical program), but could be proposed for a full day (~6 hours) depending on interest and space constraints. Organizers should design workshops for approximately 20—40 participants, to balance impact and effective discussion.

Peer-reviewed papers accepted by the workshops will be published in the CCGRIDW 2023 companion proceedings to be published online in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Each paper must have at least two reviews to be eligible to appear in the proceedings.

All authors and presenters at the workshop should register for the CCGRID conference at the regular registration rates. One complimentary registration will be provided to a keynote speaker for each workshop.

All deadlines are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE), UTC-12 timezone.

  • Deadline for Workshop Proposals: October 21, 2022 (Closed)
  • Workshop acceptance Notification: November 15, 2022

    Important Dates for the Workshop Organization

    • The acceptance notification and camera ready submission deadline for the proposed workshops should match the dates below.
    • The paper submission deadline for the proposed workshop may be adjusted based on the workshop organizers’ preference.
      • Workshop paper submission deadline: January 15, 2023 (recommended)
      • Workshop paper acceptance notification: February 10, 2023 (firm)
      • Camera ready paper submission: March 17, 2023 (firm)

    Submission Guidelines

    Workshop proposals must be submitted in PDF format and should include:

    • The name and acronym of the workshop.
    • A brief description of why and to whom the workshop is of interest, and how it is aligned with/complements the topics of CCGRID.
    • The names, affiliations, emails, and short bio (up to 10 lines) of the workshop organizers and program committee chairs, and their prior experience with organizing workshops/conferences.
    • A list of potential program committee members.
    • A description of the structure of the workshop (papers, invited talks, panel discussions, etc.) and its draft schedule for a half or a full day event
    • Estimated number of papers to be solicited and accepted, invited talks, etc. Potential number of attendees expected.
    • Data about previous editions of the workshop (if any), including whether it was co-located with CCGRID, the attendance, the numbers of papers or presentations submitted and accepted, and the links to the corresponding websites.
    • A publicity plan for attracting submissions and attendees.
    • A draft call for paper with deadlines (see recommended dates above)

    A PDF version of the workshop proposal should be submitted by email to the Workshops Chairs ([email protected] and [email protected]).

    The workshop proposal will be reviewed by the CCGRID Workshop Chairs and a review panel, and notified of the decision, including suggestions for improvement.

      IEEE/ACM CCGrid

      © Copyright CCGRID 2023
      All Rights Reserved


      We, as the CCGrid community, are committed, both individually and collectively, to nurturing diversity and inclusion, sustaining a climate of mutual respect, and fostering a collaborative and supportive environment wherein everyone is empowered to succeed.

      Authors and participants are encouraged to read the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the ACM Policy Against Harassment, and IEEE Computer Society's expectation of professional behavior found in the IEEE Computer Society Open Conference Statement, the IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement, and the IEEE Code of Ethics.